Mulching Equipment

Why do companies require mulching equipment?

Mulching is quickly becoming the most practical and efficient method of land clearing. Adopted by forward thinking companies, mulching equipment has been lauded for its sustainability and effectiveness. Mulching equipment is now the preferred land clearing solution for responsible companies and property owners. Great for the environment and highly effective at clearing trees and brush, mulching equipment far outweighs more traditional land clearing methods in its ability to cut down foliage without permanently damaging the property.

Mulching Equipment: Environmentally Friendly

Traditional land clearing is criticized for being extremely detrimental to the environment. Not only do bulldozing and burning methods cut down trees, but they also destroy the surrounding environment and plant life, leaving property owners with large pits of galvanized soil and tree debris. The clearing site is completely eroded; the top soil is ripped up, plant roots destroyed, and surrounding trees damaged. Mulching equipment is typically integrated with low ground pressure carriers, thereby preserving the top soil and grass and plant roots. Additionally, mulch produced by the mulching equipment can be used to nourish the grass or placed over ground-level tree stumps to promote natural decomposition. Mulching equipment is also accredited for its accuracy, cutting down individual trees without damaging the adjacent brush. As the most eco-friendly land clearing method on the market, mulching equipment is gaining notoriety with construction, forestry, and agricultural land clearing companies around the world.

Mulching Equipment: Effective

Burning and bulldozing land poses a variety of serious problems and risks. Less about cutting down trees and more about destroying everything in their paths, burning and bulldozing land clearing methods often damage more area than expected. The reality is that these applications are extremely destructive and incapable of precision; they are effective but essentially a shot in the dark. In contrast, mulching equipment is capable of effectively grinding down individual trees without damaging any of the surrounding foliage. Mulching equipment can effortlessly grind down even large and mature trees into mulch, quickly and easily, reducing the amount of time spent on land clearing. Moreover, by churning the trees and brush into mulch, mulching equipment reduces clean up times. Precise, quick, and efficient, mulching equipment is preferred by companies and landowners alike for its hassle-free land clearing.

Torrent Mulchers

Torrent Technical Inc. designs and produces specialized rotary mulching equipment attachments intended specifically for heavy land clearing. Featuring an exclusive, patent pending, spherical cutter and constructed from high-strength materials made for durability, this innovative and amazingly light weight rotary mulching equipment attachment is as effective as it is durable. Designed to grind large stumps, mulch mature trees up to 20″ in diameter, and rapidly clear brush, Torrent Mulchers’s mulching equipment is used prolifically by the land clearing industry.

To find out more about mulching equipment and Torrent Mulchers’s specialized rotary attachment, please contact us.

To learn more about Canadian forestry and Torret Technical Inc.’s forestry products, please contact us.