Mulching – Trees & Forestry

One Tool – A Dozen Jobs

The most important part of any brush clearing operation is mulching the big pieces into tiny pieces. It is far easier to cart off a few tons of wood mulch than trying to cram a few tons of felled trees into your deuce-and-a-half-sized truck. That is why we provide a single tool that will handle all your mulching requirements. We recommend you start big: tree mulching. Attach this excavator mulching head to the boom of an excavator, and push the trees through it. The tool specializes in brush mulching, too, chewing up and spitting out all manner of smaller plants. There is no need for separate brush mulching equipment.

If you have any questions or would like a quote, please call…866.777.7575And we’ll be glad to help.

The mulching head will also help you maintain a parcel of land for forestry mulching and replanting. As one of your forestry mulching machines, it will help you clear damaged, rotten, or diseased timber to make way for new seedlings. We have the best mulching heads for sale for any forestry mulching equipment. They are also the best mulching heads for an excavator because mulching heads for excavators need to withstand rugged punishment. Ours take anything you can dish out. So, when you need the best mulching equipment around, come see us. We pride ourselves on the quality, power, ruggedness, and dependability of our mulching heads for sale.